Thursday 28 June 2012

Trailer one Killer Joe

The first trailer I chose to look at was Killer Joe, a new, upcoming film from the producers of The Exorcist, throughout the trailer I began to have an in-depth analysis of the camera angles, mise-en-scene, sound and editing.

A mixture of many shots are used throughout this trailer, all used for many different reasons. One of the main features which is used throughout almost all trailers is to give a brief showing of the characters involved, the genre and also to give an outline of the story. For example, there are many mid-shots and also long-shots, to give an overview of all the characters involved in this film. More so if the actor is a famous star it may sell the movie more, for instance 'Killer Joe' stars Matthew McConaughey, who is an extremely famous actor, so showing him in the trailer may entice people to watch this movie. Long shots are also used to show the violence which would occur in this movie, and the close ups also show the violence from the bruising of one of the male characters faces, also of the weaponry. The final Mid shot used at the end showing only Killer Joe also has a sadistic tone, showing that this film is in the genre thriller/horror. All of these shots used all have the same intention to persuade you to watch this movie and give a brief outline of the film.

The editing is full of fast paced transitions going from shot to shot, this is used in my personal opinion to show what the whole movie is about, in a short period of time. Also, it has the effect of building tension in this trailer as the shots are changing, they are changing like a heartbeat, and gives the audience a sense of curiosity. The letters used to show, actors, critics opinions and producers, are like bright letters which may appear on the front of a casino, but these ones are of a dark nature suggesting the morbid tone of the movie. There are also small editing used to highlight the movie more for instance the lightening bolts flashing on the screen and the sound of gunshots.

The sound used in this trailer has a mixture of both diegetic and non-diegetic effects. As the music in the background builds tension but also the enhanced sound of the lighter also builds tension so both forms are used for the same objective. Also as the trailer continues, tension building music is played continuosly, but there are several different forms of music used. This may be used to hold the audiences  attention, and also show different stages within the movie. Another thing used within in this trailer is the sound from previous shots continues in the next shot, For example the character would be speaking a transition would take place but his voice would then become a voice over for the next shot. Silence is also used in a big way so the audience will focus all there attention on what is shown in front of them.

Finally the mise-en-scene is mainly used, so the audience will form a view on the character on screen. One of the main characters 'Joe' is seen to be wearing a leather jacket and gloves, carrying a gun and also a badge. All of these highlight his authority from him being a police officer. Where s the other characters have very low quality clothing and also it is suggested from the trailer they live in a caravan. These suggest poverty working class characters in this movie.  

Overall many of these methods used throughout this movie trailer are all used to persuade people to watch this movie and also to give a brief overview of the plot.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

My Media Task

For my Media task I chose to do a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a poster for a film and a film magazine front cover, featuring the film. I chose this task as I feel that this would be the best task to suit my personality and would complete this task to the best of my ability.