Thursday 22 November 2012


The results of this questionnaire was very interesting, and allowed me to finalise my decision on the genre of what my trailer would be. I also gained the realisation of target audience trends, enabling me to understand what is needed to be put in my trailer for it to be a good one.

Please specify you age?-This was my first question, i used this so i would be able to get a broad view from all ages. These were my results:
Although my results were mainly centred around that of the younger generation (10-20), i still was able to have a large amount of answers from others age ranges, making my study deeper. Also i was now able to know what age range to aim my media product at.

Please specify your gender?- This was the second question i asked as i wanted the study to be as equal as possible. These were my results:
And as you can see through my results, i almost have an equal amount of boys taking this questionnaire to girls. This allowed my study to become more equal, and see if preferences between women and men are any different. Also i was now able to know what gender to aim my media product at.  
What is your favourite movie Genre?- I chose to ask this question so i would have the capability to understand what would be the best Genre to go for when creating my own movie trailer. These were my results:

As you can see from the results the three most popular genres are action, thriller and comedy. And with all the other genres having only a small percentage of the votes. This allowed me to come to the conclusion of which genre i would like to enter my own media trailer. So overall i chose to do a action, thriller.

The following two questions i chose to ask was to state their favourite movie and also the reasons being to why this was their favourite movie. This piece of research helped me greatly as i now had the knowledge of what to include in my own media product, to attract the target audience i desire. The answers were interesting, as many of the movies that were chosen mainly fell into the genre of thriller or action, or at least acting as a subtext. Moreover when i cross referenced this with the first question the majority of people of the younger generation voted a movie while fell into the genre of action thriller while, the older generation chose more drama based movies. When i then continued to look at the next question many relevant examples arisen, for me to include in my own video. For instance many people enjoyed there movie because of "the atmosphere it created, being jumpy, tense and intriguing", also people felt that "curiosity" in a film helps draw an audience member closer to the film. This highlights the theory from Steve Neale, who states "that pleasure is derived from repetition and difference" which in basic terms means that if a director portrays there genre, similar but made in a totally different way, this may attract a larger audience. A good example of this would be the movie silver linings playbook, the reason being is although its a romantic comedy, it goes against the status qua of the genre. The reason being is the romantic couple both have mental disorders, and this is unseen in many romantic comedy's, especially how this movie has more of a serious tone compared to other romantic movies. Actors also played a great part in reasons for why people would choose there favourite movie.  
 Do you feel trailers are the best form of advertisement for a movie?-This was the next question i chose to ask as i want to see if people actually felt trailers was the best form of movie advertisement, and from my results you can clearly see that many people do. These were the results:

Please state what you feel makes a good movie trailer?- I then asked this question so i was able to understand what i should include in my movie trailer, to make it of better quality. The main answer i was receiving was "makes me want to watch the movie", as this is the main aim of a trailer i will attempt to do this. Other answers i received was, "tension building", "hooking", "show the best parts of the movie, so it will advertise the film on a higher scale" and "good use of music". Through these answers i picked out the most relevant and useful examples and decided to use them within my trailer.  

I Finally asked what they feel makes a good thriller, i chose to ask this as i decided my genre would become and action thriller, so through this question i was able to know what people are looking for. Many of the answers were "mystery", "Tension building", "hooking", "good use of music", "suspense", "twists" and "makes you think". Through these i now have the capability to understand the basic needs within a Thriller, and also helps me to decide what i should place within my own trailer.

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