Thursday 2 May 2013

What have you learned from audience feedback?

Audience feedback played a huge role in how my media product turned out. I personally feel my video would never have achieved its full potential if not for feedback. From the start feedback informed change in the genre of my media trailer. As at the start of my project to understand where to continue ahead, I used a questionnaire. The reason I chose this method was I was able to collect a lot of information from a broad range of people. The questionnaire allowed me to finalise my decision on the genre of what my trailer would be. I also gained the realisation of target audience trends, enabling me to understand what is needed to be put in my trailer for it to be a good one. Furthermore with the broad range of people I received answers from I was able to cross reference questions for example, from my research I could see that women would be much more drawn to thrillers than action movies (only based on my research).
 Additionally I asked what they feel makes a good thriller; I chose to ask this as I decided my genre would become and psychological thriller, so through this question I was able to know what people are looking for. Many of the answers were "mystery", "Tension building", "hooking", "good use of music", "suspense", "twists" and "makes you think". Through these I then had the capability to understand the basic needs within my Thriller, and also it helped me to decide what I should place within my own trailer.  I also asked “Please state what you feel makes a good movie trailer?” through this I was able to understand what I should include in my movie trailer, to make it of better quality. The main answer I received were “makes me want to watch the movie", as this is the main aim of a trailer I will attempt to do this. Other answers I received was, "tension building", "hooking", "show the best parts of the movie, so it will advertise the film on a higher scale" and "good use of music". Through these answers I picked out the most relevant and useful examples and decided to use them within my trailer. For example I tried to highlight parts which were really interesting to watch like the cutting of the tongue. Besides this I also used it to help me change the editorial process by including dark dingy music at the start of my movie trailer.
 I also had different versions of feedback, for instance I got my two tutors to have an in depth study of both my trailer and also my two ancillary tasks. Through this I was able to get constructive criticisms, through this some of my filming I chose to not include. Also on my ancillary tasks I chose to change the font, and size in order to give a more realistic view, as if it was a real magazine/poster. Once I had completed my first cut I uploaded it upon my blog and then got three of my peers to watch the video , and give me their viewpoint. I filmed them doing this so this I on my blog labelled feedback. During this video my peers spoke about what they liked but also that they felt the story was not clear enough. From this feedback I had the understanding what to do next; I chose to add voice overs, in order to explain the story deeper. The once I completed this version I uploaded it to the social network Facebook, where all my friends viewed the video. I got great feedback and many people enjoyed my video. Once I had seen the good feedback I was able to finalize the project to my blog. The actors within my video and family members also gave their view on the overall project and everyone was extremely happy with the way it turned out. Overall audience feedback made the development of my work both easier and increased the standard of my video.

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