Wednesday 23 January 2013


I chose to have myself as the main character throughout my media video, this was all due to  felt i would be best suited for the part. The reason being is i no what i wanted my end project to look like so would be much more easier for me to adapt to that surrounding. Furthermore it would also save on time as i would not have to rely on other actors to come.

Abigail Cross was my choice of the person who would inform me on the bad news. I chose her as in ways it challenges the norms of thrillers as the women is now the one with the leg up. I also chose her for her Innocent look as not everything is what it seems in the film.

My teacher would be that of Mr Veresh who is a mentor at my school who slides completely comfortably into the role as an actor. He was extremely good to work with and new all the ins and outs. He made my video look more professional ad realistic just from his action skills. Unfortunatly i could not possess a photo of him.

The characters below were all part of my audience who were taking part in the experiment.

I chose Kieran from the way he looks as he has the capability of being a university student.

I chose Mike from the way he looked when he was concentration, acting skills were perfect.

Liam holds a great amount of seriousness in his face when he acts which helped emphasise the seriousness of the experiment. Then Roshan who has great acting kills and the capability to do anything the director says. The other actors who played in my audience who were all extremely good at what they did unfortunately i could not find or was not permitted to put there photos on my blog.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Story Board

Shooting Script
Final Scene: Violent Drill scene
Location: Kitchen (My house)
Lighting: Try lighting behind characters
Characters: Main and John
Props: drill, cigarette
Costume: John – Jeans and White T’shirt, Main – Formal suiting 
Start with ECU moving out into a CU of John (1.5 – 2 secs)
Switch to main character (CU and shot reverse shot) looking at him holding a drill and blowing smoke in John’s face (1 – 1.5 secs)
Switch back to CU of John (1 sec)
Then CU of main stubbing cigarette on own hand (0.5 secs)
Switch to a CU of John (1 secs)
Then finally MS of John and behind the main character getting up into a standing position, bringing the drill into view and then delivery of his line and the drill going (5 secs)
{sound bridge – sound of drill bridges the scene with fade to black}
Fade to black and coming soon appearing on the screen (3 secs)

First Pub scene: Finding out about the Murders
Location: Gatehouse (if filming is permitted by head)
Lighting: Warm colours, create the atmosphere as happy as a pub would be)
Characters: Main and Unknown (informant)
Props: Two pints
Costume: Main-casual, Informant-dressed below working class
MS with slow zoom of main (emotionless) (1.5 secs)
CU of pint on table (0.5 secs)
CU with slow zoom of main again showing no emotions (1.5 secs)
POV shot of the informant taking a seat (2 secs)
CU of informant placing pint on table (0.5 secs)
CU of informant saying his line (2 secs)
CU of Main saying his line (2 secs)
ECU of informant saying his line (2 secs)
ECU of main (1 sec)

Second Pub scene: An act of violence
Location: Gatehouse (if filming is permitted by head)
Lighting: Warm colours; create the atmosphere as happy as a pub would be)
Characters: Main and the wicked
Props: Snooker ball, sock and soft ball.
Costume: Main- Formal, Wicked-casual (maybe light colour top)
TS of main walking to snooker table (2 secs)
ECU grabbing snooker ball (1 sec)
ECU of snooker ball going in sock (1 sec)
MS of the wicked being beat (4 secs)

Learning scene: Finding out the unknown
Location: Any road
Lighting: Daylight
Characters: Teacher
Props: phone
Costume: formal
LS of teacher answering phone (1 sec)
HT CU behind character of teacher’s phone near ear hearing what’s said (2 secs)

Sleep Scene: Sleep situation
Location: 1-house hallway 2-road by a car
Lighting: 1-dark and dingy 2-daylight
Characters: Main and Christopher
                2-envelope and car
Costume Main- formal for both, Christopher-casual bloody
TS HT Christopher crawling backwards says his line. (2 secs)
MS of hammer and character still saying line. (2 secs)
TS MS of main seeing envelope on car windscreen while Christopher still speaking (2.5-3 secs)
OSS opening the envelope (1.5 secs)
CU of words on the contents (2 secs)

Near last scene: Running Scared
Location: Road
Lighting: Daylight
Characters: Main
Props: two knives and duct tape
Costume: white vest boxer shorts
TS MS of Main from behind limping covered in blood two knives duct taped to his hand (3 secs)
TS MS from  of character                                                            (3 secs)
MS CU of character falling to knees and an attempt at slitting his own throat. (3-4 secs)

First scene: The experiment
Location: School classroom preferably scientific one
Lighting slightly did with emphasis on teacher
Characters: An audience of many of the actors and the teacher
Props: White board and a file
Costume: formal as teacher Mixture of clothing’s (combination of classes in society)
First shot will be one continues tracking shot of CU of significant things.
                CU Hand shutting door
                CU High heels walking
                CU of her torso
                CU side of head
Used so the sound does not change and between shots will be writing on screen (10-12 secs)
MS LT moving camera around teacher saying lines
CU moving camera of audience
OSS teacher looking at audience
CU moving camera of audience

Run scene
Location: church road
Lighting: Daylight
Characters: Main
Props: Axe
Costume: Trousers and topless
One continues moving MS of character running slow motion (5-6 secs)

How often do you sleep scene
Location: Any road
Lighting: daylight
Characters: main
Props: envelope and car
Costume: Casual
Moving high angle MS character noticing the envelope (2 secs)
OSS opening envelope (1.5 secs)
CU of writing (1 sec)
CU of characters face (1.5 secs)  

The collection of violent shots
Location: outside
Lighting daylight
Characters: main
Props: bayonet
Low Angle Mid shot of main character attacking with fists and knife (4-5 secs)

Weapons shots
Location: Shed (outhouse)
Lighting: darkish
Characters: None
Props: Mixture of tools and weapons
Moving CU of weapons (2 secs)
Moving MS of weapons (2 secs)

Killing many scene
Location Kitchen
Lighting: Natural house lights
Characters: main and Benicia
Props: cleaver
Costume: casual clothing for main and bed clothing for Benicia
MS of main holding cleaver (1.5 secs)
MS behind main with cleaver coming into shot (1.5 secs)

Removal service tongue on order scene
Location: Confined space, like a cell
Lighting: Warm
Characters: main
Props: fake blood, scissors, tissue
Costume:  Smart shirt and tie
MS character falling to knees (2 secs)
CU of retrieving scissors (1 sec)
MS of character opening and closing scissors (2 secs)   
CU moving from forehead to end of scissors closing (4-5 secs)
MS character spitting blood (2 secs)

Therapy scene
Location: Small room
Lighting: natural lighting
Characters main and Joan
Props: None
Costume: Smart shirt and tie  
MS behind main of Joan Talking (5 secs)

Getting Dressed
Location Bedroom
Lighting: Natural
Characters Main
Props: none
Costume: Smart shirt and tie
CU Shirt buttons (1.5sec)
CU Tie (1.5secs)
CU Waistcoat buttons (1.5secs)

Dog attack
Location: Main Front room of a home
Lighting: natural
Character: Main and my trained dog (Tyson)
Props: None
Costume: Smart shirt and tie
CU dog biting main’s arm (3secs)

Unhappy dog
Location: Dog pound
Lighting: Daylight
Character: None but angry dog
Props: None
Costume: None
MS of angry Rottweiler (2secs)

He is coming scene
Location: House hallway
Lighting: Dark dingy
Character: Main
Props: Knife
Costume: Smart Shirt and tie
MS Character walking towards camera with knife dragging on wall (3secs)

Injured man
Location: Household
Lighting: Natural
Character: Main
Props: Fake blood
Costume: topless
ECU to CU of a blood filled face (3.5secs)

Soldier down for shellshock
Location: confined space like cell
Lighting: Natural lighting
Character: main
Props: Fake blood
Costume: Smart Suit and tie
MS Character walking around cell (1.5secs)
MS Character striking wall with foot (1sec)
MS of character striking wall with hands (1.5secs)
CU of character striking wall with hands (1.5secs)
MS of character hitting wall with head (1.5secs)
CU of character hitting wall with head (1.5secs)

Cleansing the tools
Location: end of a garden
Lighting: daylight
Character: Main
Props: axe and cloth
Costume: Smart Shirt and tie
LS of character cleaning (1sec)
CU of cleaning and showing axe (1sec)

Monday 21 January 2013



(silent only the sound of footsteps)
Teacher: Through the process of this experiment your skills will be tested beyond levels you could not imagine. I’ve been led to believe that if we delve deeper into the mind, then the process of saving one’s life becomes tranquil in a way. If you leave you leave now, because as you start this experiment there is no backing out, viewers’ discretion is advised immediately. The experiment consists of how a person reacts, physically and psychologically, to the loss of their loved ones, it will be titled, A Life’s Experiment. Any questions.
Next scene
Stranger: What happened to you?
Main character: unsure, I woke up, and my whole family was dead
Stranger: Say I could uncover what happened, what would you say
Next scene

Unknown character: You are not going to believe this.

Next scene
Guy 1: What hes doing is creating a story in his head that doesn’t exist. People, places all make believe. Some ludicrous accusation of a scientific experiment.
Next scene
Guy 2: How often do you sleep, your living in the unreal
Next scene

Guy: You’re a trained physiatrist your supposed to know the difference between what’s real and what’s not.

Next Scene
Women: you have been living in a meticulously constructed fantasy world, and that world is starting to disintegrate.
Next scene
Main character: I know things that others don’t.
Next scene
Women: He needs help
Next scene
Main Character: I’m simply doing my job right by the  lord’s work, an eye for an eye, they take away my family I remove them from the system.

Next scene
Guy 3: You grew up in an orphanage you had no parents. You need to stop this violence; nothing will come of this?
Next Scene
Guy: There watching you, you can’t hide from them
Next scene
Main character: I’m just trying to make everything right again
Next scene
Main character: Through mother, child, friend or family you’ll all be dead ill find you I promise I will find you.
Next scene
Teacher: Stop this it’s not real
Next scene
Main character: Don’t worry this will only hurt for a second.
Although looking at this many of the things said seem completely random and make no sense. I am trying to portray that in the mind of this character, he can’t see the variance between reality and fiction. More so as this isn’t a complete movie, I can’t see much of a reason to include all the characters names, because within a movie trailer, you are only given a slight insight to the movie in order for you to go and watch it. Many of these lines will act as voice overs, showing scenes of violence and brutality, displaying what the movie entails.

Basic conversation

Sunday 20 January 2013

Shutter Island

I also chose to use Shutter Island as an inspiration based upon its success, as shutter island was a very successful movie. To prove this i used IMDB which is one of the leading movie websites ands these were the results:

Votes Percentage Rating
65235 18.4%10
90224 25.4%9
108652 30.6%8
53819 15.2%7
19873 5.6%6
7321 2.1%5
3518 1.0%4
1976 0.6%3
1405 0.4%2
2777 0.8%1
Males  230712 8.0
Females  49834 8.1
Aged under 18  4371 8.6
Males under 18  3015 8.6
Females under 18  1356 8.5
Aged 18-29  187200 8.2
Males Aged 18-29  151753 8.2
Females Aged 18-29  35447 8.3
Aged 30-44  75739 7.7
Males Aged 30-44  65242 7.7
Females Aged 30-44  10497 7.7
Aged 45+  11977 7.4
Males Aged 45+  9934 7.4
Females Aged 45+  2043 7.4
IMDb staff  24 7.8
Top 1000 voters  730 7.3
US users  61582 7.8
Non-US users  218964 8.1
From this it clearly shows the success of the movie and more so how the audience enjoyed the movie this is what overall attracted me to using this movie for inspiration.


I was highly inspired but that of the movie Shutter Island, mainly due to how throughout the film there is a constant puzzle played in your mind, a question is continuously echoed throughout the brain, i want to hopefully try and develop this into my own work.

Shutter Island is a 2010 American psychological thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film is based on Dennis Lehane's 2003 novel of the same name. Production started in March 2008. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as U.S. Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels, who is investigating a psychiatric facility on the titular island. Positively cited by movie reviewers, the film grossed over $128 million in its initial US theatre release, as well as an additional $166 million internationally.Shutter Island was originally stated to be released on October 2, 2009, but Paramount Pictures and Dream Works Pictures pushed the release date to February 19, 2010.

This movie plays on all the genres i would like to include in my own media product, a constant unknown, mental disability, thrilling story line, interesting camera angles, this movie is a clear perfect example of what i would like to create in my own media production.
As a period piece, Shutter Island is laced with nods to different films in the film noir and horror genre, and could generally be viewed as paying homage to Alfred Hitchcock's work. Scorsese stated in an interview that while the main reference to Teddy Daniels was Dana Andrews' character in Laura, he was also influenced by several very low-budget 1940s zombie movies made by Val Lewton. The main frame of the plot bears strong resemblance to William Peter Blatty's The Ninth Configuration, a film also known as Twinkle, Twinkle, "Killer" Kane. La Croix noted that Shutter Island was a "complex and puzzling" work which borrowed from genres as diverse as detective and fantasy, and notably the psychological thriller.There have been differing opinions over the ending of the film in which Laeddis tells Dr. Sheehan that one can "live as a monster, or die as a good man"—a line that does not appear in the book. According to Scorsese's psychiatric adviser, Professor James Gilligan of New York University, Laeddis' last words mean: "I feel too guilty to go on living. I'm not going to actually commit suicide, but I'm going to vicariously commit suicide by handing myself over to these people who're going to lobotomise me." Dennis Lehane, however, was quoted as saying, "Personally, I think he has a momentary flash.... It's just one moment of sanity mixed in the midst of all the other delusions."