Monday 15 April 2013

Tag line

In many movie posters 'tag lines' are used normally something extremely relevant to the movie. This can portray the conventions and genre of the movie but it can also help sell the movie. Because of this I wanted to include my own tag line, to highlight the genre of my movie and also put a greater emphasis on the main character. The tag line I have chosen which is also featured in my trailer is "I have a rendezvous with death, I shall not fail the rendezvous" and "What is Real?". I did go through many other ideas before i came to the main choice for example: "How far would you got protect the dead", "Look death in the eye, and grit your teeth", "There is a devil within everyone, and he as just been freed" and "Family man? Insane? Killer? Or Cleansing the system". I Finally chose my last one for the simple of the reason it showed the movie in its best, added a sadistic side and is featured in my trailer.These are some great examples of posters with tag lines:

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