Monday 15 April 2013

Thriller posters

I collected several movie posters which all related to the thriller genre, and when having a deeper analysis towards these posters it is evident, to say that they all follow certain terms, depending on what that is the movie portrays. However all posters have their own uniqueness because the movie is unique in itself. This fist poster i looked at was law abiding citizen. I think this is a great example, with its dark dingy tone, the representation of the two main character, Butler in the darkness, maybe highlighting the character being locked up. Also Jaime fox with a concerning look on his face, with the tag like displaying the worry the character as in the movie. Finally the lettering is extremely simplistic strait to the point taking  concentration away from the main protagonist of the characters.

The second movie poster i analysed was The Town. This is another good example of simplistic lettering used for the title , this one is in red however, maybe expressing a certain degree of violence within the movie. Combined with the picture of a bank robbery, this is probably the most evident possibility. The poster is also split into two parts one being that of the violence and one highlighting the main characters within the movie. Showing the main characters within  the movie can be extremely important as many theorist's have been lead to believe, that the actors within a movie have a grave impact on audience behaviour. For example Clint Eastwood is a Hollywood actor, who is loved by millions, mainly because people love his movies. So say for instance a movie was released of this day of age, consisting of the actor Clint Eastwood, many people would choose to watch this movie as they would realise his previous success's and have the expectation that the movie would be just as good.

Limitless was the third poster i looked at, and is a personal favourite of mine because having  really in-depth look of what the poster consists of, it really highlights what the movie is about. The tag line i an instant explanation of what the movie is about; "Everything is possible when you open your mind", as the movie is about a pill which allows a person to use the whole entire brain, allowing mind to absorb information at a better pace, and the unconscious mind coming to life. Then looking at the background which is the most exciting part, on the left the words say "Unlock your potential" with a slight outline of a brain behind it. And then on the right the words say "clear pill" which emphases the drugs taken to achieve this potential. More over the colours are extremely bright, although not completely following the norms of  thriller poster, there is a clear explanation why. In the movie on consumption of the pill the brain comes to life, and the point of view shot shows how the world become brighter, as if seeing something for the first time in a different way. This would also explain how in the poster the buildings are slightly warped, maybe emphasising that now he has taken the tablet he is living in a new world. Finally the lettering is again simplistic, but stands out being white. Furthermore the main characters are also portrayed on the front. A movie may also be sold on sex appeal and slang 'eye candy'. For instance many women/men have an attraction to the actor Bradly Cooper and seeing the character in such an attractive light may influence a women/men audience to watch the movie.

This is another favourite of mine as it clearly shows the main protagonist of the move. It shows the main character and ever so slightly the other main actor. It only shows the other one slightly because in the poster its as if he is within the character. I like this because the movie is about a game in which a chip is placed within a human being and a gamer across the world is able to control that person and this is what i feel is shown in the picture. Furthermore i like how the character who is being controlled is in black and white as if he now has no life and it has been sucked out of him. The tag line also shows the emphasis of what the movie is about. The lettering is more stylish compared to the other posters and i like how it is in red, showing the violence within the movie and also how the release date is in red, as the main reason for a poster is to sell the movie.
This was the last poster i looked at, The Iceman, the movie is not yet released but i am extremely excited to see the final product. This instantly shows my enthusiasm towards this movie from the poster alone. I love how the poster is split into two parts, the top showing the main character, but also portraying him as normal family man. However the bottom half shows the weapon and Explains his violent side, and the separation seems to show two different personality's within the character. When you combine this with the tag line the same explanation can be drawn. In slang he also looks extremely 'cool' from the fact he is sitting at something as simplistic as a cafe table with a silence pistol beneath the table. The lettering is all in capitals, simplistic and red also showing the violence within the movie.


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